About Dani


Dani Novick is a graduate student in the Clinical Psychology Doctoral Program working under the mentorship of Dr. Andrea Chronis-Tuscano in the Maryland ADHD Program. She studied Psychology and Neuroscience at the University of Maryland, College Park. While in college, she received two Summer Intramural Research Training Awards (IRTA) from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to obtain additional research training. After graduating, she was a Faculty Research Assistant under Dr. Ken Rubin in the Laboratory for the Study of Child and Family Relationships. She was awarded the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship (NSF GRFP) in her first year of the doctoral program. Her research spans two primary areas of interest: (1) early child/parent predictors (e.g., temperament, emotion regulation, parenting, parental psychopathology) of child developmental outcomes, and (2) the evaluation/dissemination of parent-child interventions that target these risk/protective factors to promote optimal parent and child functioning. She is also interested in examining factors that impede consistent treatment engagement and accessibility. Dani is currently completing her doctoral internship at the Yale Child Study Center.

Email: dnovick@umd.edu