Behavioral Inhibition & Anxiety

Barker, T.V., Reeb-Sutherland, B., Degnan, K.A., Walker, O.L., Chronis-Tuscano, A., Henderson, H.A., Pine, D.S., & Fox, N.A. (2015). Contextual startle responses moderate the relation between behavioral inhibition and anxiety in middle childhood. Psychophysiology. DOI: 10.1111/psyp.12517


Chronis-Tuscano, A., Degnan, K. A., Pine, D. S., Perez-Edgar, K., Henderson, H. A., Diaz, Y., Raggi, V. L., & Fox, N. A. (2009). Stable early maternal report of behavioral inhibition predicts lifetime social anxiety disorder in adolescence. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 48, 928-935. DOI:10.1097/CHI.0b013e3181ae09d


Chronis-Tuscano, A., Rubin, K.H., O’Brien, K.A., Coplan, R.J., Thomas, S.R., Dougherty, L.R., Cheah, C.S.R., Watts, K., Heverly-Fitt, S., Huggins, S.L., Menzer, M., Begle, A.S., & Wimsatt, M. (2015). Preliminary evaluation of a multi-modal early intervention program for behaviorally inhibited preschoolers. Journal of Consulting & Clinical Psychology. DOI: org/10.1037/a0039043


Frenkel, T.I., Fox, N.A., Pine, D.S., Walker, O.L., Degnan, K.A., & Chronis-Tuscano, A. (2015). Early childhood behavioral inhibition, adult psychopathology and the buffering effects of adolescent social networks: a twenty-year prospective study. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. DOI:10.1111/jcpp.12390


Lahat, A., Lamm, C., Chronis-Tuscano, A., Pine, D. S., Henderson, H. A., & Fox, N. A. (2014). Early behavioral inhibition and increased error monitoring predict later social phobia symptoms in childhood. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 53, 447-455. DOI:10.1016/j.jaac.2013.12.019


Lewis-Morrarty, E., Degnan, K. A., Chronis-Tuscano, A., Rubin, K. H., Cheah, C. S. L., Pine, D. S., . . . Fox, N. A. (2012). Maternal over-control moderates the association between early childhood behavioral inhibition and adolescent social anxiety symptoms. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 40, 1363-1373. DOI:10.1007/s10802-012-9663-2


Lewis-Morrarty, E., Degnan, K.A, Chronis-Tuscano, A., Pine, D.S., Henderson, H.A., & Fox, N.A. (2014). Infant attachment security and early childhood behavioral inhibition interact to predict adolescent social anxiety symptoms. Child Development. DOI: 10.1111/cdev.12336


McDermott, J. M., Perez-Edgar, K., Henderson, H. A., Chronis-Tuscano, A., Pine, D. S., & Fox, N. A. (2009). A history of childhood behavioral inhibition and enhanced response monitoring in adolescence are linked to clinical anxiety. Biological Psychiatry, 65, 445-448. DOI:10.1016/j.biopsych.2008.10.043


Pérez-Edgar, K., Bar-Haim, Y., McDermott, J. M., Chronis-Tuscano, A., Pine, D. S., Fox, N. A. (2010). Attention biases to threat and behavioral inhibition in early childhood shape adolescent social withdrawal. Emotion, 10, 349-357. DOI:10.1037/a0018486


Reeb-Sutherland, B. C., Helfinstein, S. M., Degnan, K. A., Perez-Edgar, K., Henderson, H. A., Lissek, S., Chronis-Tuscano, A., . . . Fox, N. A. (2009). Startle response in behaviorally inhibited adolescents with a lifetime occurrence of anxiety disorders. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 48, 610-617. DOI:10.1097/CHI.0b013e31819f70fb


Reeb-Sutherland, B. C., Vanderwert, R. E., Degnan, K. A., Marshall, P. J., Pérez-Edgar, K., Chronis-Tuscano, A., . . . Fox, N. A. (2009). Attention to novelty in behaviorally inhibited adolescents moderates risk for anxiety. Journal of Child Psychology & Psychiatry, 50, 1365-72. DOI:10.1111/j.1469-7610.2009.02170.x


Reeb-Sutherland, B. C., Williams, L. R., Degnan, K. A., Pérez-Edgar, K., Chronis-Tuscano, A., Leibenluft, E., . . . Fox, N. A. (2014). Identification of facial expressions of emotion among behaviorally inhibited adolescents with lifetime anxiety disorders. Cognition & Emotion. DOI: 10.1080/02699931.2014.913552